6 Common Roofing Storm Damage Repairs and How to Handle Them

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Storms will do some damage to your roofing. There's no escaping it. As the weather passes through, it leaves behind debris that can harm your roof, which acts as a barricade to protect your home from rain, sun, and other extreme weather conditions.

After the storm has passed, your roof may be littered with branches, twigs, and leaves. If you're unsure of what to do next, don't worry! In this blog, we'll discuss common roofing issues caused by storms and provide you with tips on how to handle them. So let's get started!

Recognizing Storm Damage: Where to Start

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of repairs, let's talk about recognizing storm damage. It's important to stay safe and assess the situation appropriately. Here's what to do:

  • Safety First: Make sure it's safe to go outside after a storm. Wait for the all-clear if needed.
  • Exterior Check: Take a good look at your roof from the ground. Can you spot any missing or damaged shingles?
  • Indoor Inspection: Check inside for signs of leaks, like water stains or drips from the ceiling.

Once you've identified any issues, it's time to take action and get those repairs started.

1. Missing Shingles: Battling the Wind's Wrath

Damaged house roof with missing shingles after hurricane.

What Causes It: High winds can be brutal and tear shingles right off your roof.

Taking Action: When it comes to missing shingles, your prompt action can save the day. Here's what you can do:

  1. Safety First: If you decide to tackle this yourself, remember that safety comes first. Always use proper safety gear when climbing onto your roof.
  2. Matching Shingles: When buying replacement shingles, ensure they match the color and type of your existing ones. This not only restores the function but also your roof's visual appeal.
  3. Careful Removal: Remove damaged shingles carefully so you don't cause further harm to your roof's structure. Take your time to do it right.
  4. Secure with Roofing Cement: To prevent future wind-related mishaps, use roofing cement to secure the new shingles firmly in place. This step is crucial to ensure they stay put.
  5. Professional Assessment: For extensive damage or if you're unsure about handling the repairs yourself, it's wise to call in a professional roofing contractor. They can conduct a thorough assessment and ensure your roof's long-term durability.

💡By taking these actions promptly, you can effectively deal with missing shingles and safeguard your roof from further storm-related damage. Remember, when in doubt, it's always a good idea to seek expert advice.

2. Roof Leaks: Battling the Drip-Drop Dilemma

What Causes It: Storms can wreak havoc on your roof, creating openings that lead to those dreaded leaks.

Taking Action: Dealing with roof leaks promptly is essential to prevent further damage. Here's what you can do:

  1. Source Detection: Start by identifying the source of the leak from inside your home. Look for water stains on your ceiling or walls and follow them to their origin on the roof.
  2. Temporary Stopgap: While waiting for professional help, you can use a quick, temporary solution like a tarp or plastic sheet to prevent further interior damage. Ensure it's securely fastened to keep the elements out.
  3. Call the Pros: Reach out to a roofing contractor with expertise in storm damage repairs. They will perform a thorough assessment to identify the root cause of the leak and provide a lasting fix.

💡Remember, addressing roof leaks promptly can save you from more extensive and costly repairs down the road. Don't hesitate to seek professional assistance, especially for complex or hard-to-reach leaks. Your home's comfort and integrity depend on it.

3. Gutter Damage: Keeping the Water Flowing

Storm damage to a residential property guttering and roof affected.

What Causes It: Storms, with their heavy rain and debris, can take a toll on your gutters, leading to potential drainage issues.

Taking Action: To ensure your gutters continue doing their job efficiently, here's what you can do:

  1. Regular Clean-Up: Make gutter cleaning a routine task to prevent clogs caused by leaves, twigs, and debris. Keeping your gutters clean ensures proper water flow during heavy rain.
  2. Assess the Damage: After a storm, inspect your gutters for any visible damage. Look for bent or detached sections, sagging, or misalignment. Identifying issues early allows for timely repairs.
  3. Professional Help: If you notice significant damage or if your gutters are beyond a simple fix, don't hesitate to seek professional assistance. Experienced gutter contractors can provide expert repair or replacement services to ensure your gutters are in optimal condition.

💡Remember, well-maintained gutters are essential for protecting your home's foundation and preventing water damage. Don't underestimate the importance of this often-overlooked component of your roofing system.

4. Flashing and Sealant Issues: Battling the Elements

What Causes It: With their high winds and heavy rains, storms can take a toll on your roof's flashing and sealant. Over time, this can make your roof vulnerable to leaks.

Taking Action: Here's how you can deal with flashing and sealant issues:

  1. Close Inspection: After a storm, conduct a thorough inspection of your roof. Look for any loose or damaged flashing and sealant. Pay attention to areas around chimneys, vents, skylights, and other roof penetrations.
  2. Prompt Repairs: If you spot any issues with flashing or sealant, don't delay addressing them. Promptly replace or reseal any damaged or loose flashing to maintain your roof's watertight integrity.
  3. Professional Guidance: For more complex problems or if you're unsure about the extent of the damage, consider seeking professional guidance. Experienced roofing contractors can provide expert advice and consulting services to ensure your roof remains in top condition.

💡Remember, staying vigilant and addressing flashing and sealant issues promptly can prevent water intrusion and potential damage to your home's interior. Regular maintenance goes a long way in protecting your roof.

5. Tree Damage: When Nature Strikes

Slate asbestos roof damaged by a fallen down tree.

What Causes It: Storms can bring down trees or branches onto your roof, causing significant damage.

Taking Action: Here's what to do if your roof suffers tree damage:

  1. Safety First: Safety should always be your first concern. Ensure your family and pets are safe, and if there are any immediate dangers, evacuate your home.
  2. Assess the Situation: Once it's safe to do so, assess the extent of the damage. Look for any visible signs of structural damage to your roof. Be cautious, as there may be hidden damage as well.
  3. Contact Professionals: For significant tree damage, it's best to call in professionals. Reach out to a local roofing contractor who can safely remove tree debris from your roof, assess the structural damage, and plan the necessary repairs.
  4. Professional Support: In cases of severe structural damage, consider working with certified arborists and structural engineers. They can ensure that your repairs are comprehensive and built to last.

💡Remember, safety is paramount. Never attempt to remove fallen trees or branches from your roof yourself, especially if there are electrical wires involved. Seek professional help to assess and repair the damage properly.

6. Hail Damage: When Ice Pellets Attack

What Causes It: Hailstorms can wreak havoc on your roof, leaving it battered and bruised.

Taking Action: Here's what to do if your roof experiences hail damage:

  1. Safety First: After a hailstorm, ensure your safety. Wait until it's safe to inspect your roof, and watch out for slippery surfaces.
  2. Thorough Inspection: Conduct a thorough inspection of your roof. Look for dented or damaged shingles, cracks, or signs of impact. If you have a metal roof, check for dents and dings.
  3. Document the Damage: Take detailed photographs of the damage. These photos will be valuable when dealing with insurance claims.
  4. Consult a Professional: Reach out to a local roofing contractor experienced in storm damage. They can professionally assess the hail damage and recommend the necessary repairs.
  5. Expert Repairs: Trust the experts to carry out top-notch repairs. Whether it's replacing damaged shingles or addressing more extensive damage, their expertise ensures your roof can withstand future storms.

💡Remember, safety comes first, and when in doubt, it's always a good idea to consult a professional roofing contractor to assess and repair hail damage properly.

Conclusion: Your Roof's BFF (Best Fixer Forever)

Dealing with damage to your roof after a storm can be pretty overwhelming, but don't worry. With the right knowledge, you can fix common problems on your own without any trouble. Just remember, safety always comes first when working on your roof. And if you're dealing with a bigger or more complicated job, it's best to call in the experts to help you out!

As a responsible homeowner, it is crucial to keep an eye on your roof, especially after a storm. Our team is here to help you navigate through common repairs and ensure that your roof is in the best possible shape. Not only will your roof thank you for it, but you will also have peace of mind knowing that your home is protected from any weather-related damage.

Whether you are ready to tackle those roof repairs or need professional guidance, our experienced roofing contractors are here to help. We are committed to keeping your roof tip-top shape and your home cozy and dry.

Therefore, stay safe, protect your investment, and ensure your roof's longevity by having our roofing experts by your side. Your roof will thank you, and so will we!